Group 2 Stormdrain Lining

The work to be done generally consists of rehabilitating 4 culverts by invert paving, spot repairs, and applying a geopolymer lining. Work also consists of excavating embankments to form and pour new concrete headwalls with decorative architectural treatment. Expect dewatering and pumping to be necessary. Comply with the permits, licenses, agreements, and certifications (PLACs) and the April 15 - October 31 in-creek work window. Tree removals, tree trimming, and vegetation removal are required as well.


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 1/26/24 11:00am
Bid Date 2/13/24 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Orinda
Farah Khorashadi  
(925) 253-4279


City of Orinda

Engineer's cost estimate: $640,000