Public Projects
Bidding Closed
3/11/25 2:00pm
Exterior Painting Project #4182
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
General work description: The work to be done generally consists of Prepping and Painting the Exterior of 3 Buildings.
Bids Due in 7 days
3/18/25 3:00pm
Re-bid - 2024 Annual Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Bids Due in 7 days
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
General work description: The work to be performed generally consists of pavement rehabilitation of various streets within the City of Orinda. Such work includes, but is not limited to; mobilization, demobilization, traffic control & construction signage, installation of erosion control measures, removal & replacement of concrete curb & gutter, removal & replacement of concrete valley gutter, construction of concrete curb ramps, construction of AC dikes, base failure repair (digout), base over-excavation if required, removal of asphalt concrete and aggregate base, milling/cold planing, hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay, micro- surfacing, cape seal, adjustment of utility manhole frames and covers, perpetuating survey monuments, adjustment of valve boxes, storm drain pipe rehabilitation, installation of theromoplastic traffic stripes, thermoplastic pavement markings, blue reflectors, and crosswalks; production of as-built drawings, production of pothole data, removal & installation of traffic signs, constructing bioretention basin, landscaping, excavation, installation of filtering media, plantings, and associated infrastructure to support water retention and treatment, filing of appropriate record documents with County recorder’s office, and all other work as shown on the plans and as described in the Caltrans Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions to provide a complete project.
Bidding Closed
1/28/25 2:30pm
Orinda Library HVAC Rehabilitation Project No. 4174
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
General work description: The work to be done generally consists of HVAC control and equipment replacement to improve performance and efficiency.
Bidding Closed
10/22/24 2:00pm
Camino Pablo Pathway Los Amigos Court to Manzanita Drive Project
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of removing existing asphalt concrete pathway, grading, earthwork and installing aggregate base, hot mix asphalt, for a new HMA pathway and concrete landings with detectable warning surfaces at each intersection. The work shall also include protection of existing storm drain and utilities, clearing, grubbing, tree and root protection, and minor adjustments of existing electric boxes and vaults.
Bidding Closed
8/6/24 2:30pm
North Ln. Slip Lining 48” Strom Drain Project #5015
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of rehabilitating approximately 250 lineal feet of 48” storm drain pipe using 36” fused solid HDPE slip lining, including grouting, traffic control and temporary check dam/stormwater bypass.
Bidding Closed
7/30/24 2:00pm
2024 Annual Pavement Rehabilitation
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be performed generally consists of pavement rehabilitation of various streets within the City of Orinda. Such work includes, but is not limited to; mobilization, demobilization, traffic control & construction signage, installation of erosion control measures removal & replacement of concrete curb & gutter, removal & replacement of concrete valley gutter, construction of concrete curb ramps, construction of AC dikes, , base failure repair (digout), base over-excavation if required, removal of asphalt concrete and aggregate base, milling/cold planing, hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay, microsurfacing, cape seal, adjustment of utility manhole frames and covers, adjustment of survey monuments, adjustment of valve boxes, storm drain pipe lining, installation of theromoplastic traffic stripes, placement of thermoplastic pavement markings, installation of blue reflectors, installation of crosswalks, production of as-built drawings, production of pothole data, locating & preserving survey monuments, removal & installation of traffic signs, filing of appropriate record documents with County recorder's office, and all other work as shown on the plans and as described in the Caltrans Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions to provide a complete project.
Bidding Closed
4/23/24 2:00pm
San Pablo Creek Culvert Repair Project
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of removing debris in the culvert, cleaning the culvert invert, preparing concrete surfaces and exposed rebar, installing new rebar along the culvert invert, overlaying the culvert invert, installing new concrete beam and steel struts, repairing storm drain connection to the culvert, and bypass of creek channel flows as necessary for construction.
Bidding Closed
3/12/24 2:00pm
2023 Annual Storm Drain Repair Project
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of rehabilitating approximately 450 Linear Feet of storm drain pipes using trenchless rehabilitation methods, such as Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) Liner, slip lining, PVC Liner etc. Approximately 35 linear feet of storm drain pipe will be removed and replaced with open trench, including, bedding, trench backfill and pavement restoration.
Bidding Closed
3/5/24 2:30pm
Camino Sobrante Retaining Wall Replacement
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of furnishing and constructing steel soldier pile wall with wood lagging, furnishing and constructing CIDH piers, traffic control, demolition, excavation, soil off-hauling and disposal, pavement repairs and utility coordination.
Bidding Closed
2/13/24 2:00pm
Group 2 Stormdrain Lining
Bidding Closed
City of Orinda
City of Orinda
The work to be done generally consists of rehabilitating 4 culverts by invert paving, spot repairs, and applying a geopolymer lining. Work also consists of excavating embankments to form and pour new concrete headwalls with decorative architectural treatment. Expect dewatering and pumping to be necessary. Comply with the permits, licenses, agreements, and certifications (PLACs) and the April 15 - October 31 in-creek work window. Tree removals, tree trimming, and vegetation removal are required as well.